
When there’s a tickle in my throat, I realize it is there because I want to kiss you.

In the dawn of a soft morning,

Or at the dusk reaching into night.

Moon settles on the horizon after being reflected in the light of our eyes.

The heart has desires of its own, mine can  be unruly and passionate, like my raven hair. The desire right now for me, is to be known. To trust that all is unfolding in divine timing. I don’t need to try so hard, worry so much. It’s going to be okay. I truly feel that. It will pan out like gold in a river bed, you are a kind soul. I know that. I don’t have to prove this to you. The infinite love around and within us never stops loving us, just like the sun is still there even when it is cloudy. The sun is still there, even when it seems dark and hopeless. The sun, just like Love itself will never stop loving us. I will never stop loving you.

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